Corners of the Mouth
Health and wellbeing mean more than just freedom from disease; they are a manifestation of balance in the body, mind and spirit. The focus here is on overall health that increases our capacity for spontaneity, joy and serenity.
The quality of our lives reflects how we are nourished, how we nourish others, and the way we function in the world. Food nourishes our bodies. But every level of our being requires sustenance.
Attend to the body’s needs by paying attention to what, where and how you eat. Selecting nutritious food and eating slowly rather than stuffing sends a message to the entire being that it is worth nourishing.
In order to be nourished, the heart calls for healthy relationships. Relationships should never be taken for granted; always remain sensitive to their subtle nuances.
Finally, how does one nourish the spirit? Begin by taking time to tune out distractions and turn your focus inward. Try sitting silently, relaxed and comfortable, observing your breath and your thoughts. You will find that it clears the mind of tensions while restoring equilibrium.