Letters and reviews …

This is part of an e-mail that I wanted to share with you. Thank you, Vicki.
… I am writing to tell you how deeply moved I have been over the last five years by your Tao Oracle deck. I have used your exquisite interpretation with delight for myself as well as within my Qigong school, the Way of Joy Qigong (you can view my website at the URL below, if you’d like). Also your deck/book is required reading for my students at the John F Kennedy University in California, where I often teach courses in “Embodying Spirit” as a faculty member in the Holistic Studies graduate program. I am currently writing a book on the Way of Joy system of Qigong and have been struck anew by how you have written and painted these taoist themes from I Ching in ways that are so akin to my own thinking that come from my taoist practices of 35 years. I thank you for the beautiful work you do … Warmly, Vicki Dello Joio wayofjoy.com
Reviews on Amazon
Here are some excerpts from their comments. To read the reviews in their entirety visit www.amazon.com.
Tao Oracle: An Illuminated New Approach to the I Ching
February 3, 2007 By Karen V. Reider (Sedona, Arizona)
I own several Tarot decks, but love this one by far the most. The artwork is extraordinary and the information beautifully and clearly written. Several friends have visited and pulled a card or two, left speechless by the appropriateness of the explanation. You are left facing what you most need to know, and ambitious to move through it. I highly recommend it.
Just what I was searching for!
June 29, 2006 — Reviewer: Michelle Farmer
As a professional reader I was searching for a new deck. This was exactly what I had been waiting for. I would highly recommend this deck to everyone from professionals to beginners.
A stunning artistic rendering of the ancient I-Ching
December 28, 2002 By Barbara A. Bolek (Hamtramck, MI USA)
Deal with the here and now effectively with this in-depth divination tool. The ancient Chinese method of acquiring wisdom, the I-Ching, comes alive through the awesome art work of the Tao Oracle by Ma Deva Padma. This deck makes the I-Ching entirely accessible to beginners, and the cards’ depth and beauty is sure to captivate even advanced practitioners of divination. From my dabblings with divinatory devices, I believe I can go out on a limb and say that this is the best new divination tool of the year 2002. Padma is also known for the beautiful Osho Zen Tarot, a Tarot deck designed for those concerned with living fully in the present moment. Besides artwork you can just melt right into, there are a lot of other things going for the Tao Oracle… What I especially like is the Tao Oracle’s emphasis on the present moment…not some far-flung future predictions. It focuses readers’ attention on the thought patterns, habits or actions they are dealing with presently. The future will come about based on what one is doing today — that’s where attention really needs to be focused. All in all, the Tao Oracle is a feast for the eyes as well as for the spirit. Though fine for the bright beginner, advanced practitioners of divination will more immediately appreciate the depth of this tool for self-awareness. It’s an incredibly beautiful, well-designed divination tool at a very reasonable price.